[Interview] Elliott Fullam Talks ‘Terrifier 2’, His Music, and More
Art the Clown is back in the vicious and visceral sequel Terrifier 2 (read our review here), which has already made history with unprecedented success for an unrated independent film, and a huge part of the movie is the film’s young protagonist, Jonathan, who is all too aware of Art the Clown’s impending return before most other characters are taking the threat seriously, and we were thrilled to talk to Elliott Fullam about playing the new character, facing horror’s newest killer icon, and much more, including his recently released album of original music, in a fun video conversation last week.
Fullam tells HDN of his getting his role in Terrifier 2, making his feature film debut, “Before I auditioned (at age 13), I was already a fan of Art the Clown and the first Terrifer. I saw that on Netflix when it first came out, and I loved it. I was like, ‘What is this Art the Clown? Who is this character?’ It was just a crazy, brutal movie, obviously… So when I saw the audition, I got so excited. Then we heard that they were actually interested in auditioning me, and I guess it all worked out… Four auditions – the first one was a self tape, and the second one was an in-person in the city and it was with Damien (Leone, watch our interview here) and Lauren (LaVera; watch our interview here), that’s when I first met them.
“My third audition was another self tape where I was practicing screaming… and the very final audition was at the producer’s house, and that was super nerve-wracking. But they didn’t wait too long to tell me, because we were actually driving home, and while we were driving home, that’s when we got the call. We were like screaming in the car, ‘Yes! Thank you so much!’, and we called my mom and my grandparents. That was definitely a wonderful ride back home.”
Speaking about his character, Jonathan, the younger brother of horror’s newest hero Sienna (played by Lauren LaVera), Fullam says, “He (Damien Leone) always says that Jonathan kind of reminds him of himself, and I also am reminded of myself with Jonathan, always loving horror movies and being into that kind of stuff. Of course all those posters in my room are about a lot of the stuff that I love, like metal I actually have my King Diamond that’s in my room right now, that’s in that room in Terrifier 2.”
On watching the film’s amazing success since a surprise theatrical release in October, “I would say it doesn’t really feel real. Sometimes even like watching it in theaters, I forgot I was in the movie, because I’m a fan too. I’m a fan of horror, and I was like, ‘Yes, I’m going to see Terrifier 2. Oh, wait, I’m in this movie!’ Just to see – especially with like Stephen King, horror god, Mike Flannigan is another one speaking about it, Howard Stern Show, he talked about it a little bit. It was just insanity. It was out of this world.”
We also of course discussed celebrating Halloween itself, as well as Fullam’s popular YouTube channel, where he has interviewed dozens of notable musicians and genre favorites, and his first full album of original music, released earlier this year, and much more.
You can watch our full exclusive video interview with Elliott Fullam below, premiering at 10:31 a.m. EST on #TerrifierTuesday, Dec. 6.
Watch our exclusive new interview with Elliott’s costar, Lauren LaVera, here.
Watch our exclusive new interview with Art the Clown himself, David Howard Thornton, here.
Watch our exclusive new interview with Elliott’s Terrifier 2 costar, Casey Hartnett, here.
Watch our exclusive new interview with Elliott’s Terrifier 2 costar, Amelie McLain, here.
[See all of our Terrifier 2 coverage here.]
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