A horror dream project is finally becoming reality as the ensemble Death House, originally conceived from a story by Gunnar Hansen, began filming this week in Pennsylvania, uniting many of our favorite icons of the genre, including the always versatile and recently Emmy nominated Dee Wallace.
From her classic performances in
The Howling, and
The Hills Have Eyes, to more recent collaborations with Rob Zombie in
Halloween and
The Lords of Salem, we were beyond excited to get to catch up with Dee Wallace for a brief chat following her Q&A panel at the
Mad Monster Party horror convention in Charlotte, North Carolina last month. She revealed exclusively to
Halloween Daily News that her character in
Death House is “a different kind of bitch”, among other teases that have us anticipating the film more than ever.
Read on for our interview with Dee Wallace!
Dee Wallace and Matt Artz (photo by Sue Artz for HalloweenDailyNews.com) |
What can you tell us about Death House?
“Death House is one of the most innovative, incredible, exciting scripts that I’ve read in a long time. A bunch of iconic horror stars are going to participate in it, a lot of my friends. They’re not doing it because they are my friends, but they are my friends on the (horror convention) circuit.
“I did Zombie Killers for Harrison (Smith), and I think he’s a wonderful director and has become a friend, so it’s just a win-win-win for me all the way around.
“I think it’s going to be huge, this film.”
Can you tell us anything about your role?
“I’m the head of Death House. I don’t want to tell a lot about what it is, but what’s so amazing is that it’s a new idea. It’s never been done before. When is the last time you can say that about anything? It’s such an incredibly new take on good and evil. You’re just going to have to see it.
“The script just blew me away. It’s rough and it’s hard, but it’s so good.”
You see a first look photo of Dee’s character that she tweeted from the set of
Death House below!
You said during the Q&A panel that you’re excited to play against type from the majority of the roles you’re known for.
“Yeah, I’m going to have to figure out how to be tough. I guess I can be a bitch. I was a bitch in The Frighteners. It’s a different kind of bitch.”
Do you have other projects coming up?
“I just finished shooting a lovely film, totally the antithesis of Death House, called Ayla. It’s kind of a supernatural love story. And I’m waiting to see if my series (Just Add Magic) gets picked up at Amazon Prime. It’s looking really good.
“And I just got an Emmy nomination for General Hospital! Now I can say ‘Dee Wallace, Emmy nominated actress’.”
I think that recognition is long overdue.
“Thank you. I’ll take it from wherever it wants to come from.”
We will have more on Death House with one of Dee’s co-stars in the film, our friend Bill Moseley, who we also talked to at Mad Monster Party about this project. Look for our interview with Bill Moseley next week, here at HalloweenDailyNews.com!
Halloween Daily News editor Matt Artz with Dee Wallace (photo by Sue Artz for HalloweenDailyNews.com) |
You can scroll down to view more images from Dee’s Q&A panel in the photo gallery below.
Dee Wallace with Halloween Daily News editor Sue Artz (photo by Matt Artz for HalloweenDailyNews.com) |
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