[Interview] Bruce Wemple and LeJon Woods Talk ‘The Hangman’ and Halloween

The new backwoods horror movie The Hangman arrives in select theaters this week before coming home on VOD next week, and we talked to director Bruce Wemple and lead actor LeJon Woods, who co-wrote the script together, about their inspirations, favorite memories from set, and of course their feelings on Halloween.

In the film, to mend their troubled relationship, a middle-aged door-to-door salesman, Leon, takes his teenage son on a camping trip into deep rural Appalachia. Little do they know of the mountainous region’s sinister secrets. A local cult has summoned an evil demon born of hate and pain, known to them as The Hangman, and now the bodies have begun to pile up. Leon wakes up in the morning to discover that his son is missing. To find him, Leon must face the murderous cult and the bloodthirsty monster that is The Hangman.

You can watch our exclusive video interview with Bruce Wemple and LeJon Woods below.

The Hangman arrives in select theaters on May 31, and will be available to stream on Digital starting June 4. (Watch it here.)

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Matt Artz

Founded Halloween Daily News in 2012 and the Halloween International Film Festival in 2016. Professional writer/journalist/photographer since 2000.